Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wood Decay Resistance Vocabulary (1)

木材防腐:wood preservation
木材防腐剂:wood preservative
木材防腐处理:wood preservative treatment
木材保管:wood protection in storage
原木保管:log protection in storage
锯材保管:sawntimber protection in storage
木材防火:wood fire prevention
木材败坏:wood deterioration
物理和化学损害:physical and chemical degradation
海生钻孔动物:marine borer
蛀孔:bore hole
天然耐久性:natural durability
天然耐腐性:natural decay resistance
含水率:moisture content
自由水:free moisture /free water
结合水:bound moisture/bound water
纤维饱和点:fibre saturation point
平衡含水率:equilibrium moisture content
木材吸湿性:hydroscopicity of wood
木材吸水性:water-absorbing capacity of wood
木材透水性:water permeability of wood
细胞壁:cell wall
木材密度:density of wood
木材硬度:hardness of wood
木材强度:strength of wood
生材:green wood
湿材:wet timber
气干材:air-dried timber
干裂:seasoning check
轮裂:ringe shake
弧裂:cup shake
生长轮:growth ring
年轮:annual ring
早材:early wood
晚材:late wood
边材:sap wood
心材:heart wood
熟材:ripe wood
针叶树材:coniferous wood/soft wood
阔叶树材:broadleaves wood/hard wood
健康材:sound wood
腐朽材:decayed wood/rotted wood
变色材:stained wood
素材:untreated wood

Wood Decay Resistance Vocabulary (2)

菌害:attack by fungi and bacteria
木材腐朽菌:wood destroying fungi
变色菌:stain fungi
子实体:fruit body
蓝变blue stain
边材变色:sap stain
边材腐朽: sap rot
心材腐朽:heart rot
干基腐朽:butt rot
白腐:white rot
褐腐:brown rot
干腐:dry rot
湿腐:wet rot
软腐:soft rot
带线:zone line
虫害:attack by insects
木材钻孔虫:wood-boring insects
虫孔:insects hole
小虫眼:shothole/small insect-hole
大虫眼:grub hole
针孔虫眼:pin hole
表面虫眼和虫沟:surface insect holes and galleries
蛀屑:frass/bore dust
粉蠹甲虫:powder-post beetles
食菌小蠹:ambrosia beetles
家白蚁:Coptotermes formosanus
散白蚁:Reticulitermes spp
堆沙白蚁:Cryptotermes spp
木蚁:carpenter ant
木蜂:carpenter bee
树蜂:wood wasp
海生钻孔动物的危害:attack by Marine borers
软体钻孔动物:Molluscan borers
甲壳钻孔动物:Crustacean borers
船蛆:Teredo navalis
木材耐火性:fire resistance of wood
机械磨损:mechanical wear
化学损坏(降解):chemical degradation

Wood Decay Resistance Vocabulary (3)

焦油类防腐剂:tar-oil type preservative
木材防腐油:coal-tar-creosote for the preservation of timber
乳化煤焦杂酚油:pigment emulsified creosote(PEC)
水煤气焦杂酚油:water-gas tar creosote
防腐油石油混合液:creosote-petroleum solution
石油分馏物:petroleum distillates
蒽油:anthrancene oil
有机溶剂型防腐剂:organic solvent type preservative
环烷酸铜:copper naphthenate
8羟基喹啉酮:copper 8-hydroxyquinolate(Cu-8)
有机锡化合物:organotin compounds
水载型防腐剂:water-borne preservative
酸性铬酸铜:acid copper chromate
氨溶砷酸铜:ammonical copper arsenite
铜铬砷防腐剂:CCA preservative
专利性防腐剂:proprietary preservative
水载五氯酚制剂:water-borne penta formulations
防水防腐剂:water-repellent preservative
乳化防腐浆膏:emulsion paste
阻燃剂:fire retardant
阻燃防腐剂:fire-retardant preservative
防霉剂:antimold chemicals
防变色剂:antisapstain chemicals
烷基胺化合物:alkyl ammonium compounds
试验方法:test methods
分馏试验:fractional distillation test
琼脂木块法:agar-block test
土壤木块法:soil-block test
呼吸法:fungal respiration method
毒性极限:toxic limit
流失试验:leaching test
残余毒性:residual toxicity
菌窑试验:fungus cellar test
野外试验:field test
致死中量:median lethal dose
垛式支架试验:crib test
火管试验:fire-tube test
极限氧指数:limiting oxygen index

Wood Decay Resistance Vocabulary (4)

处理的准备:preparation for treatment
刻痕机:incising machine
生长锥:increment borer
真空油煮法:boiling under vacuum
常压处理:non-pressure treatments
浸渍处理:immersion treatment
冷浸处理:cold soaking
涂刷:brush treatment
炙焦喷涂处理:charring and spraying treatment
干基处理:butt treatment
套(车内胎)管法:tyre-tube process
喷射处理:spray treatment
隧道式喷淋处理:tunnel spraying
树液置换处理:sap displacement
扩散处理:diffusion treatment
双扩散处理:double diffusion treatment
绷带处理:bandage treatment
钻孔扩散处理:bore-hole treatment
钻孔处理器:bolt-hole treater
地际线处理:ground-line treatment
枪注法:gun injection
热冷槽法:hot and cold bath process
喷蒸和淬冷处理:steam and quench treatment
修补处理:remedial treatment
毒化土壤:soil poisoning
阻燃处理:fire retarding treatment
木材机械保护法:mechanical protection of wood
加压处理:pressure treatment
真空加压法:vacuum/pressure process
定量浸注法:empty-cell process
半定量浸注法:lowry process
完全浸注法:full-cell process
循环浸注法:cycle vacuum/pressure process
复式处理:dural treatment
频压法:alternating-pressure process
加压真空交替法:oscillating-pressure process
后期喷蒸处理:final steaming
膨胀浴:expansion bath
真空处理法:vacuum process
双真空处理法:double vacuum process
溶剂回收法:solvent recovery process
干真空法:dry-vacuum process
前真空:initial vacuum
后真空:final vacuum
流动木材防腐装置:mobile timber treating plant
处理罐:treating cylinder
机动罐:rueping cylinder
混合罐:mixing tank
计量罐:measuring tank
余液槽:drain tank
拒受点:refusal point
毛吸收量:gross absorption
初吸收量:inicial absorption
净吸收量:net absorption
处理压力:treating pressure
处理材的性质:properties of treated wood
保持量的测定:retention by assay
净干盐保持量:net dry salt retention

Electronics Engineering and Design Vocabulary (1)

airing 公开讨论
anisotropy 各向异性
Antenna Module 天线模块
area array 面分布
assertion coverage 断言覆盖率
asset lite strategy 轻资产战略
at a premium (股票)高于票面价值(或发行价格
backplane 底板
balance sheet 资产负债表
bank on 指望, 信赖
Bill of Material, BOM 物料清单
biomarker 生物标记
biometrics 生物识别
birch 桦树, 白桦
Blade server 刀片服务器
book-to-bill 订单出货比
briefing 简报 【法】 简报, 情况的简要介绍
capital outlay 基建投资
carve-out 创业
cash squeeze 现金周转困难
Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing 特许半导体
chassis 托架
caveat [律]中止诉讼手续的申请, 警告, 告诫
Cell Computing 单元计算
chemical vapor deposition 化学汽相淀积
clock and data recovery 时钟数据恢复
clock recovery 时钟恢复
close range 近距离
cluster 群集
Committee on Foreign Investmen 美国外国投资委员会
Compliance Management 符合性管理
computational lithography 计算光刻
concern 商行, 公司; 企业; 康采恩, 财团
Configurable processor 可配置处理器
consortium 联合会
contactless controller 无接触控制器
conundrum (答案有双关意义的)谜语, 难题
copper cabling 铜布线
core hopping 核心切换
correlated color temperature CCT 相关色温
cosmic radiation 宇宙辐射
Coulomb blockade 库仑阻塞
Critical Dimension, CD 临界尺寸
cross-licensing 交叉许可
cyclic prefix insertion block 周期前缀插入模块
cyclic removal block 周期删除模块
Dark fiber 指被安装了却不运做的光纤。因为光纤以数十个到数百个单位被安装,所以实际运做时只使用需要的部分,残余的就作为Dark fiber纤维被放置。
data center-on-a-chip 片上数据中心
deep computing 深度计算
deep sub-wavelength 深亚波长
Defect Density 缺陷密度
Dehumidifier 除湿器
design-for-manufacturing, Design for Manufacturability, DFM 可制造性设计
design for yield,DFY 良率设计
Die Size 圆片尺寸
dielectrics 介电层
Digital Signage 数字标牌
digital video recorder 数字录像机
Director Switch 导向器
Domain Specific Language 领域特定语言
Double Patterning 两次图形曝光技术
dreg 渣滓,渣子
Drive-by-Wire 电传线控
dry lithography 干法平板印刷
Dual Quad Band Antenna 双重四波段天线
earmark (家畜耳朵上的)耳记, 标记,标志
earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) 利税、折旧和摊销前利润
edge switch 边缘交换机
electronic component 电子元件
Electronic Industries Association, EIA, 美国电子工业协会
entropy encoder 熵编码器
Environmental Protection Agency 环境保护署
enzymes 酶
European Commission 欧盟委员会
European Parliament 欧洲共同体议会,欧洲议会
EU Council of Ministers 欧盟部长理事会
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) 欧洲电信标准协会
exclusion order 禁止入境令
exhort 劝诫, 忠告
extol 赞美
Extreme Ultra Violet, extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography 超紫外线光刻

Electronics Engineering and Design Vocabulary (2)

fabless manufacturing strategy 无厂制造策略
Feature Creep 功能蔓延
field effect device 场效应装置
field experiment 现场试验
fill out 填写, 使长大, 变大
financial position 财务状况
Flexible electronics 软性电子
floorplan 版面规划
forge 稳步前进, 铸造, 伪造
Freescale 飞思卡尔
Fuji Electric Holdings 富士电机
Fujitsu 富士通公司
functional coverage 功能覆盖率
gambit 精心策划的一着; 策略
gate-stack 栅层叠
gene activation 基因活化
gene expression profiles 基因表达谱
general counsel 总顾问
general relativity 广义相对论
gravitational field (万有)引力场, 重力场
ground rule 【体】比赛场地临时规则
基本规则, 行动准则
groundbreaking ceremony 奠基仪式
guest compound 客体化合物
half pitch 半间距
high-index 高指数
High-K Dielectrics 高-K介电薄膜
High Speed Serial Link 高速串行式连结
host bus adapters 主机总线适配器
host control interface 主机控制接口
immersion lithography 浸没式光刻
in the black (银行存款)有盈余
in vitro experiment 体外实验
in vivo 在活的有机体内
indium tin oxide 氧化铟锡
inkjet printing 喷墨打印
incumbent 职责所在的, 负有...义务的
Infineon Technologies AG 英飞凌
Initial Public Offering 首次公开招股
Integrated Device Manufacturer,IDM集成器件生产商
interdisciplinary 学科间的,跨学科的
intermediate frequency 中频
Interoperability 互操作性,互用性
Inverse Lithography Technology 反向光刻技术
investment profile 投资概况
lab-on-a-chip 芯片实验室
laissez-faire 放任主义,自由放任主义
laws of gravity 引力定律
layout 版图
Layout Editor 版图编辑器
learning-doing 学习-实践
lingering 延迟的, 逗留不去的
lion's share 最大的一份,最好的一份
long-reach 长距离
long-standing 长时间的;经久不衰的
longitudinal magnetic field 纵磁场
lumen 流明
Los Alamos National Laboratory美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室
managing director 总经理
magnetic domain 磁畴
market traction 市场牵引
Matsushita Electric Industrial 松下电器公司
metal gate transistor 金属栅晶体管
methanol n. 甲醇
metric-driven 指标驱动
mezzanine card 中间卡
micro array antenna 微阵列天线
mission critical 关键业务
Moore's law 摩耳定律
multiband 多频带
multimodal n. 多峰
Multiple Input Multiple Output, MIMO, 多入多出
Nanotube Memory纳米管内存
nanoparticle 纳米粒子
National Academy of Engineering, NAE, 美国国家工程院
National Institute of Standards and Technology 美国国家标准与技术研究院
National Science Foundation美国国家科学基金会
near-field communications, NFC近距离无线通讯
negative density负密度
Nikkei average日经平均指数
nimble 敏捷的
nonvolatile memory 非易失性存贮器
numerical aperture 数值孔径

Electronics Engineering and Design Vocabulary (3)

OFDMA Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access 正交频分多址
OFDM, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, 正交频分复用
off the hook 摆脱困境, 脱身
off the shelf 现货供应
omni directional antenna 全向天线
on the verge of 即将(将近,差一点就要)
open access (图书馆)开架阅览
Optical Carrier Interface 光波接口
optical proximity correction (OPC) 光学临近矫正
Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor, OVSF, 正交可变扩频因子
out-of-the-box 开箱即用
overlay control 套刻控制
packet-based communication 基于数据包的通信
panelist [美](大会中的某一问题)专门研究小组
parametric test 参数测试
pay-as-you-go 预付费
peg 认定
perception 洞察力;理解力; 了解;领悟
Perpendicular magnetic recording 垂直磁记录
petaflops 千兆次运算
peta-scale 千兆級
place&route 布局布线 (微观的各个单元的布局布线)
per-lane view 按波道检视
phase-change memory 相变内存
polymer light emitting diode, P-OLED 高分子发光二极管
post mortem 事后剖析、事后检查
power source 电源
Pre-Standard 准标准
private equity firm 私人直接投资公司
Probing Contact 探针测接
product-engineering 产品工程
progressive video 逐行图像
proof of concept 概念验证
propensity 倾向
quadrillion 10的42次方
Qualcomm 高通公司
rack-mount servers 机架式服务器
rad hard, radiation-hardened 抗辐射性
ramp up加速
remote direct memory access 远程直接内存存取
repeal 废除(法令);取消;作废
research note 研究综述
retrofit vt.改型;n.改型(式样翻新)
rife 流行的;盛行的
robbing Peter to pay Paul拆东墙补西墙
saber 军刀,马刀
salvo 【律】保留条款
satellite transponder 卫星转发器
scoop 独家新闻;抢先得到的新闻
Securities and Exchange Commission
seed funding 种子基金
semi-trailer 半拖挂车
Senior Corporate VP 總部資深副總
serdes 串行器/解串器
serial technology 串行技术
session 会议
shy away from 躲避, 离开, 羞于
Side Impact Airbag 侧面碰撞安全气囊
sidestep横跨一步避开; 回避
SIMD, single instruction multiple data, 单指令多数据
Single-walled Carbon Nanotube 单壁纳米碳管
slew 许多,大量很大的数量或数目;很多:
sluggish market 不景气的市场
Software Defined Radio 软件无线电
Solar Module 太阳能电池模板
solid-state lighting 固体白光照明
Sovereign Wealth Fund主权财富基金
sow 播种
spacetime 时空
spin electronics 自旋电子学
spooky 幽灵般的, 怪异的, 神经质的
sputtering process 溅射工艺
stakeholder 利害关系方
Statistical Timing Analysis 統計時序分析
streamlined 最新型的, 改进的
Steering Committee 指导委员会
stunt 阻碍...发育
strut 支撑, 炫耀
supersede 代替, 取代, 接替, 紧接着...而到来, [律]延期
Symbol mapping 符号映射
symmetric multiprocessing 对称多处理
take the wraps off something to make something known that had been secret.
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co, TSMC:
TCP offload engine TCP减负引擎
Technical Leader 技术主管
tempo 节奏
Teraflop 万亿次计算
Test bench 测试基准
test scenario 测试场景
theory of relativity 相对论
thicket 灌木丛
thin-film transistor 薄膜晶体管
thorny 多刺的, 痛苦的
tower server 塔式服务器
trade fair 贸易商业展览会,商品交易会,展销会
trajectory 弹道;轨道
transceiver 收发器
trillion 万亿
ultra-low K dielectrics 超低介電常數材料
uniformity 均匀性
uncanny 神秘的;不可思议的;不必要的
United States International Trade Commission 美国国际贸易委员会(USITC)
urea 尿素
vacuum chamber 真空室
Vertical Integration 垂直整合
virtual function 虚函数
Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe 威尔金森微波各向异性探测器,简称WMAP
Workforce Initiative 劳工倡议
wrangle 口角, 争吵; 争辩, 争论

Organization name translation (Chinese-English)-1

国防部Ministry of National Defense
国防科学技术工业委员会National Defense Scientific Technological Industry
国家安全局The State Administration of National Security
国家版权局State Copyright Bureau
国家保密局State Bureau of Protection of Confidential Documents
国家编制委员会State Organization Commission
国家标准局State Standard Bureau
国家测绘局State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping
国家城市建设总局State City Construction General Bureau
国家出版局State Publication Bureau
国家出入境检验检疫局The State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine
国家档案局State Archives Bureau
国家地震局State Seismology Bureau
国家电力公司State Electric Power Corporation
国家发展计划委员会State Development & Planning Commission
国家防汛总指挥郭办公室State Flood Prevention General Command Office
国家房管局State Housing Management Bureau
国家纺织工业局State Administration on Textile Industry
国家纺织工业局State Textile Industry Bureau
国家工商行政管理局State Administration for Industry and Commerce
国家广播电影电视总局The State Broadcasting Film and Television Administration
国家国防动员委员会National Defense Mobilization Commission
国家国内贸易局State Administration for Domestic Trade
国家国有资产管理局State State-owned Assets Administration Bureau
国家海洋局State Oceanic Administration
国家核安全局State Nuclear Safety Bureau
国家环境保护总局State Environment Protection Administration
国家黄金管理局State Gold Administration Bureau
国家机械工业局State Administration of Machinery Industry
国家基本建设委员会State Infrastructure Commission
国家计划生育委员会State Family Planning Commission
国家计划委员会State Planning Commission
国家计量局State Metrological Bureau
国家建筑材料工业局State Construction Materials Industry Administration
国家教育委员会State Education Commission
国家进出口管理委员会State Import & Export Regulatory Commission
国家进出口银行State Import & Export Bank
国家禁毒委员会National Ban Drugs Commission
国家经济贸易委员会State Economy & Trade Commission
国家经济体制改革委员会State Commission for Restructuring Economy
国家经济委员会State Economy Commission
国家开发银行State Development Bank
国家开发银行办公厅General Office of State Development Bank
国家科委自然科学奖励委员会State Science Commission
国家科学发明评选委员会State Science Commission Invent Selection Commission
国家科学技术委员会State Scientific and Technological Commission
国家劳动总局State Labor Bureau
国家粮食储备局State Grain Reserves Bureau
国家林业局State Bureau of Forestry
国家旅游局State Bureau of Tourism
国家煤炭工业局State Coal Industry Administration
国家密码管理委员会办公室State Secret code Regulatory Commission Office

Organization name translation (Chinese-English)-2

国务院State Council
国务院办公厅General Office of the State Council
国务院参事室Counselor Office of the State Council
国务院出版事业管理局Publication Cause Administration Bureau of the Council
国务院电子振兴领导小组办公室Electronic Rejuvenation Leading Group Office of the State Council
国务院发展研究中心The State Development Research Center
国务院法制办Legal Affairs Office of the State Council
国务院法制局Bureau of the Legislative Affairs under the State Council
国务院扶贫开发办Aid-the-Poor Development Office of the State Council
国务院港澳办Hong Kong and Macao Office of the State Council
国务院工资制度改革小组Salary Reform Group of the State Council
国务院关税税则委员会Customs tariff Commission of the State Council
国务院环境保护领导小组Environment Protection Leading Group of the State Council
国务院机关事务管理局Bureau of Institutional Affairs of the State Council
国务院计划生育领导小组Family Planning Leading Group of the State Council
国务院减轻企业负担部际联席会议Lighten the Burden on the CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY
国务院经法规研究中心Research Centre for Economic Legislation Under the State Council
国务院经济法规研究中心Economic Law Research Center of the State Council
国务院经济贸易办公室Economic and Trade Office of the State Council
国务院纠正行业不正之风办公室Correcting Industrial Illegitimate Practice Office of the State Council
国务院军队转业干部安置工作小组Demobilized Army Cadre Emplacement Leading Group of the State Council
国务院科技干部局Science and Technology Cadre Bureau of the State Council

Organization name translation (Chinese-English)-3

城市合作银行urban cooperative banks; municipal united banks
城市商业银行municipal commercial banks
城市信用社urban credit cooperatives
城市住宅局City House Bureau
打假办Office of Cracking down on Fake Products
大化瑶族自治县Dahua Yao Nationality Autonomous County
第二审判庭second tribunal
对外经济法律顾问处Foreign Economic Legal Consultancy Office
对外经济律师事务所foreign trade law firm
对外经济贸易仲裁委员会Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
对外贸易经济合作部Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic
二审法院Court of Second Instance
发行审核委员会the Issuance Examination Commission
法官考评委员会committee for the examination and appraisal of judges
法律服务所Legal Service Office
法律顾问处Legal Consultant Office
法学研究所Institute of Law
法制委员会Commission on Legislation Affairs
阜新蒙古族自治县Fuxin Mongolia Autonomous Country
复核审法院Court of Review
革委会revolutionary committee
各级地方政府local government at several levels
公安部Ministry of Public Security
公安部法规局The Bureau of Policies and Regulations of the Ministry of Public Security
公安处Public Security Office
公安机关Public Security Organs
公安局Public Security Bureau
公安派出所local police station
公证机关notary public
供销合作社supply and marketing co-operative
共青团中央The Central Committee of the Communist Young League
锅炉压力容器检验所Inspection Institution for Boiler Pressing Containers
国有独资商业银行wholly state-owned commercial banks
海关总署General Customs Administration
海军司令部Commander Department of the Navy
海事法院admiralty court
华侨事务委员会Oversea Chinese Affairs Commission
婚姻登记所Marriage Registration Office
机 部机械设备成套总局General Office of Complete Set of Machinery of the First Machinery Industry Ministry of the State Construction Commission
机械工业委员会Machinery Industry Commission
基层公安机关grassroots public security agencies
基层人民法院Basic People's Court
技术产权交易所technology equity market
监察部Ministry of Supervision
监察局Supervisory Bureau
交通部Ministry of Communication
教育部Ministry of Education
经济审判庭Economic Division
军事法院Military Court
军委总政治部The General Political Department of the Military Commission
科学技术部Ministry of Science and Technology
劳动和社会保障部Ministry of Labor and Social Securities

Organization name translation (Chinese-English)-4

联合国the United Nations
律师事务所Law Firm
内幕交易审裁处Insider Dealing Tribunal
农村信用社rural credit cooperatives
农业部Ministry of Agriculture
农业发展银行Agriculture Development Bank
企业注册局Enterprise Registration Bureau
全国爱国卫生运动委员会National Patriotic (Public) Health Campaign Commission
全国博士后管理委员会National Post-Doctor Regulatory Commission
全国残疾人康复工作办公室National the Handicapped Recovery Working Office
全国打击走私领导小组National Crack Down Smuggling Leading Group
全国电子交易系统National Electronic Trading System (NETS)
全国电子信息系统推广办公室National Electronic Information System Promotion Office
全国妇女联合会National Women's Federation
全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会National Higher Education Examination For the Self-Study Steering Commission
全国工业产品生产许可证办公室National Industrial Product Manufacture Licensing Certificate Office
全国供销合作总社National Supply and Marketing Cooperative General Agency
全国技术市场协调领导小组National Technology Market Coordination Leading Group
全国加强企业管理领导小组National Strengthening Enterprise Management Leading Group
全国教育工会National Education Labor Union
全国禁毒工作领导小组National Ban Drugs Work Leading Group
全国控制集团购买力办公室National Group Purchasing Power Control Office
全国老旧汽车更新领导小组办公室National Crate Replacement Leading Group Office
全国老龄委China Aging Problem National Commission
全国普及法律常识办公室National Popularization of Legal Knowledge Office
全国清理整顿公司领导小组National Clean-up and Rectification Companies Leading Group
全国人大常委会The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
全国人大及其常务委员会National People's Congress and its Standing Committee
全国人民代表大会The National People Congress of the People's Republic of China
全国人民代表大会常务委员会The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
全国人民代表大会主席团Presidium of the National People's Congress
全国扫黄工作小组办公室National "Campaign against Pornography" Working Group Office
全国扫盲工作部际协调小组National Eliminating Illiteracy Work Inter-Department Coordination Group
全国水土保持工作协调小组National Water and Land Preservation Work Coordination Group
全国土地资源调查办公室National Land Resources Investigation Office
全国哲学社会科学规划领导小组National Philosophy Social Science Planning Leading Group
全国政协科教文卫体委员会Science Education Culture Health and Sport Commission of the CPPCC
全国支持经济不发达地区资金管理委员会National supporting Economic Underdeveloped District Funds Regulatory Commission
全国职工教育管理委员会National Workers Education Regulatory Commission
全国专业标准化技术委员会National Professional Standardization Techniques Commission
人大财政经济委员会Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of the NPC
人大法制委员会Law Committee of the NPC
人大华侨委员会Overseas Chinese Committee of the NPC
人大教育, 科学, 文化, 卫生委员会Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee of the NPC
人大民族委员会Nationalities Committee of the NPC
人大外事委员会Foreign Affairs Committee of the NPC
人事部Ministry of Personnel
上海专利事务所Shanghai Patent Agency上诉法庭the Court of Appeal
少年法庭juvenile court
少年犯管教所juvenile reformatory
深圳市宝安区人民法院Shenzhen Bao’an District People's Court
生产大队production team
世界知识产权组织World Intellectual Property Organization
水利部Ministry of Water Conservancy
水利电力部The Ministry of Water Resources and Power
水上运输法院Water Transport Court
司法部Ministry of Justice

Organization name translation (Chinese-English)-5

国务院科技教育领导小组办公室Science and Technology Education Leading Group Office of the State Council
国务院口岸领导小组Port Leading Group of the State Council
国务院农村发展研究中心Rural Development Research Center of the State Council
国务院贫困地区经济开发领导小组Impoverished Area Economic Development Leading Group of the State Council
国务院企业管理委员会Enterprise Regulatory Commission of the State Council
国务院侨务办公室Oversea Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council
国务院清产核资领导小组Liquidation and Assets Check Group of the State Council
国务院清产核资领导小组办公室Liquidation Assets Check Leading Group Office of the State Council
国务院清理固定资产投资项目领导小组Liquidation Fixed Asset Investment Projects Leading Group of the State Council
国务院清理三角债导小组Clearing "Chain Debts" Leading Group of the State Council
国务院三峡工程建设委员会Three Gorges Project Construction Commission of the State Council
国务院三线建设调整改造规划办公室San Xian Construction Adjustment Reorganization Planning Office of the State Council
国务院生产办公室Manufacture Office of the State Council
国务院水土保持委员会Water Soil Conservation Commission of the State Council
国务院税收财务物价大检查办公室Taxation Accounting Commodity Price Examination Office of the State Council
国务院台湾事务办公室Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
国务院特区办公室Special Zone Office of the State Council
国务院体制改革办公室System Reform Office of the State Council
国务院统一着装管理委员会Uniform Regulatory Commission of the State Council
国务院退伍军人和军队离退休干部安置领导小组Demobilized Soldier and Army Retired Cadre Emplacement Leading Group of the State Council
国务院外事办Foreign Affairs Bureau of the State Council
国务院稀土领导小组Rare-Earth Leading Group of the State Council
国务院新闻办公室News Office of the State Council
国务院信息化工作领导小组Information Work Leading Group of the State Council
国务院学位委员会Academic Degree Commission of the State Council
国务院证券委员会Securities Commission of the State Council
国务院知青办Intellectual Young People Office of the State Council
国务院知识产权办公会议办公室Intellectual Property Working Meeting Office of the State Council
国务院住房制度改革领导小组Housing System Reform Leading Group of the State Council

Organization name translation (Chinese-English)-6

国家民族事务委员会State National Affairs Commission
国家南极考察委员会National South Pole Investigation Commission
国家能源投资公司State Energy Resources Investment Corporation
国家能源委员会State Energy Resources Commission
国家农业委员会State Agriculture Commission
国家农业综合开发办公室State Agriculture Comprehensive Development Office
国家破产储量管理局State Minerals Reserves Administration Bureau
国家轻工业局State Light Industry Administration
国家轻工业局State Light Industry Bureau
国家人防委员会State People's Air Defense Commission
国家人事局State Personnel Bureau
国家商标局State Trademark Bureau
国家商检局State Commodity Inspection Bureau
国家石油和化学工业局State Petroleum and Chemical Industry
国家水产总局State Aquatic Product General Bureau
国家税务局National Taxation Head Office
国家税务总局State Administration on Taxation
国家体育运动委员会State Physical Culture and Sports Commission
国家体育总局State Administration of Sports
国家统计局State Statistics Bureau
国家土地管理局China Land Administration Bureau
国家外国专家局State Foreign Expert Bureau
国家外汇管理局State Foreign Exchange Administration Bureau
国家文物局State Cultural Relic Bureau
国家无线电管理委员会State Radio Regulatory Commission
国家物价局State Price Control Bureau
国家物资局State Commodities Bureau
国家新闻出版署National News Publication Bureau (National Copyright Bureau)
国家行政区域划分demarcation of national administrative zones
国家行政学院Chinese Academy of Engineering Sciences
国家烟草专卖局State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau
国家药品监督管理局State Drug Administration
国家冶金工业局State Metallurgical Industry Bureau
国家邮政局State Post Office Bureau
国家有色金属工业局State Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Bureau
国家语言文字工作委员会State Language Affairs Commission
国家知识产权局State Intellectual Property Bureau
国家质量技术监督局State Bureau of Quality Technical Supervision
国家中医药管理局State Chinese Medicine Administration Bureau
国家主席President of the State
国家自然科学基金委员会State Natural Science Funds Commission
国家宗教事务局State Bureau of Religious Affairs
国土资源部Ministry of Natural Resources

Pediatrics Vocabulary 医学儿科词汇 (1)

儿童保健Child care
疾病防治Disease prevention
营养基础Basal nutrition
小儿肥胖obesity in childhood
生理生化Physiology and biochemistry
营养代谢Nutrition and Metabolism
临床表现clinical symptom
胎儿期Fetal Stage
胚卵期Ovigerm Stage
胚胎期Embryo Stage
新生儿期Neonatal Period
足月儿Term Infant
过期产儿Post term Infant
围产期Perinatal stage
幼儿期Toddler Period
学龄期School age
生活环境living environment
急性感染acute infection
慢性疾病chronic disease
消化道疾病disease of digestive tract

Pediatrics Vocabulary 医学儿科词汇 (2)

内分泌疾病endocrine disease
先天性疾病congenital disease
体格生长Physique growth
摄入不足insufficiency of intake
胎粪排出excretion of meconium
水分丢失loss of moist
生长高峰summit of growth
站立位erect position
头围Head Circumference
胸围Chest Circumference
颅缝cranial sutures
前囟anterior fontanel
长骨Long Bone
软骨骨化Cartilaginous ossification
骨膜下成骨Subperiosteum ossification
乳牙deciduous teeth
恒牙permanent teeth
神经系统nervous system
脊髓spinal cord
运动发育motion development
发音器官organs of voicing
听觉sense of hearing
大脑语言中枢cerebral language center
计划免疫Planned Immunity
心理卫生Mental Health
生活习惯living habit
社会适应能力social adaptation
亲情 parent-child relationship
健康查体Physical Examination

Pediatrics Vocabulary 医学儿科词汇 (3)

户外活动open field activity
身体抚触 stroking massage
主动免疫Active immunity
被动免疫passive immunity
小儿传染病infectious disease
卡介苗 Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine, BCG vaccine
脊髓灰质炎疫苗 Polimyelitis Vaccine
麻疹疫苗 Measles Vaccine
百白破三联疫苗 Pertussis-Diphtheria-Tetanus triple vaccine
乙肝疫苗Hepatitis B vaccine
初种primary vaccination
热量的需要Caloric Requirement
基础代谢Basal Metabolism
排泄 Excretion
水溶性维生素Water-soluble Vitamin
脂溶性维生素Fat-soluble Vitamin
膳食纤维Dietary Fiber
母乳喂养Breast Feeding
母乳的成分Component of Mother’s Milk
免疫物质immune material
免疫球蛋白Immune Gloulin
双歧因子Bifidus Factor
细胞成分Components of Cells
慢性消耗性疾病Chronic consumptions

Pediatrics Vocabulary 医学儿科词汇 (4)

精神障碍Mental disorders
急性传染病Acute infectious diseases
加糖Add Sugar
定时定量Time and rationed Feeding
个体差异Individual Difference
混合喂养Mixed Feeding
辅食添加The Introduction of solid food
代谢异常Developmental and Metabolic Disorder
临床分型Clinical typing
消瘦型Marasmus Malnutrition
浮肿型Edema Malnutrition
消瘦-浮肿型Marasmus-Edema Malnutrition
病因Etiological Factor
摄入不足Deficiency of Intake
饮食结构不合理Incorrect Components of Diet
不良饮食习惯Bad Eating Habit
消化吸收障碍Disorder of Digestion and Absorption
消化道先天畸形Congenital Anomaly of Digestive Tract
先天性代谢障碍Congenital Dysbolism
消化功能紊乱Disorder of Digestive Function
生长发育迅速的时期The period when children grow rapidly
疾病恢复期Recovery Phase of diseases
双胎或多胎Twins or Multiplets
机体各系统功能低下Incapacity of Body Systems
消化系统Digestive System
循环系统Circulatory System
泌尿系统Urinary System
神经系统Nervous System
免疫系统Immune System

Pediatrics Vocabulary 医学儿科词汇 (5)

临床表现Clinical Situation
皮下脂肪Subcutaneous Fat
精神状态Mental Status
反应差Low Response
全身症状General Symptoms
营养性贫血Nutritional Anemia
各种维生素缺乏症Various Kinds of Avitaminosis
诊断标准Standard of Diagnosis
实验室检查Laboratory Examination
鉴别诊断Differential Diagnosis
治疗原则Therapeutic Principle
综合治疗Comprehensive Treatment
治疗方法Therapeutic Method
积极治疗原发病Cure the Primary Disease
饮食治疗Diet Therapy
药物治疗Drug Treatment
支持治疗Supporting Therapy
危重症处理Treatment in Crises
度营养不良伴腹泻时的治疗Severe Malnutrition companied by Diarrhea
营养不良性水肿的治疗Nutritional Edema

Pediatrics Vocabulary 医学儿科词汇 (6)

添加辅食Instruction of solid food
睡眠充足Sufficient Sleeping
防治先天性疾病和小儿急性传染病Prevention and Treatment of Congenital Diseases and Acute Infectious Diseases
孕期保健与产前诊断Health Care in Pregnancy and Prenatal Diagnosis
新生儿筛查Neonatal Screening
治疗先天性疾病Cure Congenital Diseases
按时预防接种Vaccination on time
定期体格检查Regular Physical Examination
病因及病理生理Etiological Factor and Pathophysiology
单纯性肥胖Simple Obesity
摄入过多Excessive Intake
活动过少Lack of Movement
神经、精神因素Nervous and Mental Factors
继发性肥胖Secondary Obesity
膝外翻Genu Valgus
扁平足Fallen arch
早期性发育Early Sexual Development
β脂蛋白Beta Lipoprotein
生长激素Growth Hormone
诊断标准Standard of Diagnosis

Medical Vocabulary 医学名词 (1)

过敏 Allergy
入院 Admission to hospital
出院 Discharge from hospital
症状 Symptom
营养 Nutrition
病例 Clinical history
诊断 Diagnosis
治疗 Treatment
预防 Prevention
呼吸 Respiration
排便Bowel movement
便 Stool
血液 Blood
脉搏 Pulse
尿 Urine
脉搏数 Pulse rate
血型 Blood type
血压 Blood pressure
麻醉 Anesthesia
全身麻醉 General anesthesia
静脉麻醉 Intravenous anesthesia
脊椎麻醉 Spinal anesthesia
局部麻醉 Local anesthesia
手术 Operation
副作用 Side effect
注射 Injection
X光 X-Ray
慢性的 Chronic
急性的 Acute
体格 Build
免疫 Immunity
血清 Serum
流行性的 Epidemic
潜伏期 Incubation period
病毒 Virus
消毒 Sterilization
抗生素 Antibiotic
洗肠 Enema
结核反映 Tuberculin reaction
冰袋 Ice bag
药品 Medicine (Drug)
绷带 Bandage
胶带 Adhesive tape
剪刀 Scissors
体温计 Thermometer
药丸 Tablet, pill
胶囊 Capsules
软膏 Ointment
止咳药 Cough medicine
阿司匹林 Aspirin
止疼药 Pain killer
药方 Prescription

Medical Vocabulary 医学名词 (2)

发烧 Fever
高烧 High fever
发冷 Chills
发汗 Sweats
盗汗 Night sweats
倦怠 Tiredness
失眠 Insomnia
肩头发硬 Stiffness in shoulder
打喷嚏 Sneeze
打嗝 Hiccup
痒 Itch
腰疼 Low Back pain
头疼 Headache
急性疼痛 Acute pain
激痛 Severe pain
钝痛 dull pain
压痛 Pressing pain
刺痛 Sharp pain
戳痛 Piercing pain
一跳一跳地痛 Throbbing pain
针扎似的痛 Prickling pain
烧痛 Burning pain
裂痛 Tearing pain
持续痛 Continuous pain
不舒服 Uncomfortable
绞痛 Colic
溃烂痛 Sore pain
顽痛 Persistent pain
轻痛 Slight pain
血尿 Bloody urine
粘液便 Mucous stool
粘土样便 Clay-colored stool
验血 Blood analysis
红血球 Red cell
白血球 White cell
呼吸数 Respiration rate
呼气 Expiration
吸气 Inspiration
呼吸困难 Difficulty in breathing
不规则脉搏 Irregular pulse
心搏缓慢 (心律缓慢,通常指成人心跳低于60次每分钟) Bradycardia
快脉 Rapid Pulse
尿浑浊 Cloudy urine
糖尿 Glucosuria