Monday, May 31, 2010

Dental vocabulary

bridge 假牙上的齿桥,固定的或可移动的假牙,通常两端都与真牙缚住
canine 犬齿(虎牙, one of the four pointed conical teeth)
cavity 龋齿 (soft decayed area in a tooth; progressive decay can lead to the
death of a tooth)
crown 牙套 (often needed after RCT to prevent tooth from falling apart)
deep clean 龈下刮治 (deeper than prophy, sometimes need 局麻)
dental floss 牙线 (Twice a day, floss your teeth with dental floss to prevent
your teeth from being covered by hard tartar)
dental hygienist 洗牙师
dental plaque 牙斑菌 (a film of mucus and bacteria deposited on the teeth
that encourages the development of dental caries)
dental pulp 牙髓
denti- [前缀]表示“牙,齿”之义
denture 假牙
endodontist 内科牙医 (do the above thing)
extraction 拔牙
filling 补料 (resin/composite树脂-tooth color, mercury汞-black but 耐磨)
general anesthesia 全麻
general dentist 全科牙医 (do all things, but difficult one refer to specialist)
gingivatis 牙龈炎 (need to improve oral hygiene, deep clean helps)
gum 齿龈
implant 种植牙 (plant a denture in the jaw bone)
incisor 门牙
local anesthesia 局麻
molar 臼齿
oral hygiene / dental hygiene 口腔卫生
oral surgeon 外科牙医 (拔牙, 尤其难拔的智齿)
orthodontics 畸齿矫正
orthodontist 正畸牙医 (整牙)
pedodontist 儿科牙医
periodontal 牙齿周围的
Prophylaxis 洗牙 (usually just say prophy)
prosthetics 假牙修补
prosthodontics 镶牙牙医
pulp chamber 牙髓室
root canal therapy (RCT)根管治疗 (very bad cavity, need to kill the nerve)
tartar 牙石 (A hard yellowish deposit on the teeth, consisting of organic secretions and food particles deposited in various salts, such as calcium carbonate)
veneer 贴面 (usually for cosmetis purpuse, like for 四环素牙)

Today's new words (2010-May-31)

convertible currency 可兑换货币
convertible debentures 可转换(公司)债券
debenture 公司债券
impound 将(违章停放的汽车或走失的动物)暂存待领
Scoundrel 恶棍, 坏蛋
multiple performance problems 多次表现失职
Gothic 哥特式
sandstone 砂岩
Rosary <宗>玫瑰经; (天主教)念珠串;念珠(祈祷)
Adoration 崇拜
bastion 堡垒; 防御工事
convent 女修道院
William Franklin Graham, Billy Graham 葛培理
America's pastor 美国的国师
Youth for Christ 青年归主协会
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association,BGEA 葛培理布道协会
The Billy Graham Crusade 葛培理布道大会
Necrotizing fasciitis 坏死性筋膜炎, 又称“食肉细菌感染”,是一种由细菌入侵皮下组织和筋膜引起的急性坏死性软组织感染。这种疾病在临床上较为少见,每年美国大约有 1000-1500个病例,但发病急,进展较快,破坏力强,病死率较高,并会造成严重的残疾。临床表现为沿深浅筋膜播散的感染,在累及血管内形成血栓,引起相应皮下组织、皮肤和筋膜的坏死。可发生在全身各个部位,以四肢为多见,尤其是下肢;其次是会阴、颈部、面部、腹壁和背臀部等。严重时受感染部位的内部组织完全暴露在体外,坏死部分形成凹陷,就像被吃过一样,十分恐怖。
wake-up call 叫醒服务, 敲响警钟
--"It was a wake-up call that we really needed, in my opinion" Carter said.
sabbatical (尤指供大学教师进行学术研究或旅游的)公休假,休假
--Please do not recommend me to anyone as I am on a sabbatical.
schizophrenia <医>精神分裂症
sidekick [非正式;俚]助手;副手;同伙
--Bryant was the sidekick to Shaquille O’Neal on those teams, but the ’08 finals was his first chance to win one alone.
guest team 客队
home court 主场
home court advantage 主场优势
--It went horribly, but the Lakers think this time can be different, since they have the home-court advantage.
marshmallow 棉花糖
--His team mates are soft like marshmallow.
storied 历史上有名的
--Going to be a great series between two storied franchises.
stoicism 坚忍,淡泊
menace 威胁
--Pierce brings the all-around talent, Garnett the passion, Ray Allen(notes) the stoicism, Rajon Rondo(notes) the flash and Kendrick Perkins(notes) the scowling menace.
cast member 角色成员
cameo appearance 客串演出

point in paint Paint:三秒区的意思,整体就是3秒区的得分
Turnovers 失误
Fast Break Pts 快攻得分
Unanswered Pts 没有反抗的得分;指快攻没有人防守下的得分
Points in the Paint 禁区得分
FG (FG%)相当于field goal percentage,投篮命中率
3PG% 三分球命中率
FT (FT%):罚球命中率
Biggest Lead 最多领先分数
shot clock 进攻时间 (进攻方在24秒内必须投篮,并且球必须触及篮框,否则即违例)
--The Celtics do a very good job at controlling the game flow, using the entire shot clock and minimizing the possessions.
replacement 替补
--When Paul Pierce and Boston’s other starters need a rest in the NBA finals, they can watch their replacements with confidence.
sideline 使退出比赛,使下场(尤指由于受伤);把…排除在核心之外;使靠边
--With Kevin Garnett(notes) sidelined with a knee injury, Boston lost in the Eastern Conference semifinals last year.