Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ski Vocabulary - 滑雪词汇

alpine skiing 高山滑雪
angulation 横向折曲身体, 腰, 膝盖
après-ski 滑雪后的社交活动、休息等
avalanche 雪崩basket 滑雪杆支架, 在滑雪杆底部的圆形支架,用来防止它陷进雪中太深
bunny slope 初学者滑雪道
camber 滑雪板弧面稍呈弧形的表面
carving 在雪地上刻上两道深深的雪痕, 当然是用雪橇不是用雪杖啦
cross country ski racing 速度滑雪

crud 污垢雪重而粘的雪,不适于在其上滑行

downhill race 速降滑雪赛,滑降
edge angle 雪橇底部与雪面的角度
extension 伸直身体
fall line 试将一个足球放在斜坡上, 它向下滚动的路线便是fallline
flexion 垂直折曲身体
freestyle skiing 自由式滑雪
frostbite 冻伤, 由于冰冻造成的伤害或损伤

giant slalom 大回转滑雪赛,一种由山上向山下的滑雪比赛,参加者必须经过设在几对门中的滑雪道。
G.S turn, giant slalom turn, 大转弯
grass skiing 草地滑雪
inclination 倾斜身体
mogul 滑雪道拐弯处的雪坡
novice slope 初学者滑雪道
pivot 转动下半身以改变雪橇的方向
pizza v. Meaning to snow plough or to slowly come to a halt. A novice move that tears up the snow.
powder snow 粉雪 (freshly fallen, soft snow, the best snow to ski on)
pole plant 将雪杖点到雪上, short radius turn, mogul 尤其重要
rotation 转动上半身以改变雪橇的方向, 错误的做法
short radius turn 短转弯
Sidecut Radius 侧切弧度
ski 滑雪板
ski boots 滑雪靴

ski cap 滑雪帽
ski gloves made of goat leather 山羊皮滑雪手套
ski gloves 滑雪手套
ski jacket with fur trimmed hood 带毛皮镶边帽的滑雪衫
ski jacket 滑雪衫
ski jupon 滑雪裤
ski mitts 滑雪不分指手套
ski pants 滑雪裤
ski shirt 滑雪衣
ski socks 滑雪短袜
ski suit 滑雪服
ski with steel ski pole 带钢撑棍的滑雪板
ski jump 跳高滑雪

ski jumping competition 跳高滑雪比赛
skiing 滑雪
slalom 障碍滑雪
Speed skiing 竞速滑雪(This is a discipline which focuses on achieving the highest possible speed on skis)
steering 转弯, pivot + edging = steering
stem christie半犁式回转
telemark skiing: A discipline which features the thrill of speed and cross-country feel of free-heel skiing.
yard sale: An American term for a ski fall or crash where equipment is scattered across the slope.

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